Saturday, May 1, 2010

Sunday, January 17, 2010
My Arse 'Colon-ised'
Last week, I travelled up north to Malaysia's - 'Pomelo Town'. The town of TAMBUN resides in the state of Perak; is notable for the largest citrus fruit that taste pretty similar to the Grapefruit. Apart from this current fame, Tambun can now also boasts of having Malaysia's first self - contained 'Health Village Retreat' in the country. http://www.thebanjaran.com/
After checking in, my butler escorted me to Villa 4. There are a total of 25 luxury villas here equipped with personal plunge pools in them. As I stroll down the path of serenity, I couldn't help but notice the surrounding tropical jungles and also the many LIMESTONE HILLS and caves. I was struck by the sounds of incessant waters all round. Out of all the amenities in my Villa, I was personally intrigued with the Bose sound system installed. The 'digital' healing tunes exuded an escape of the senses. I may be able to escape the city but I guess the 'city' in me remained.
*Aileen, my Colon Therapist who was with me the entire time, Ouch!
* Water temperature regulated. Eight gallons pumped up, mind you. 'Jeweled' Mirror.
* I had to personally shaft the first left quarter up my rectum
* Lubricating the nozzle with KY Jelly
After the treatment, I must say that my colon, liver, kidney and lymphatics felt cleaner and detoxified. Okay, I am hallucinating but I know one thing is for sure, my health has benefited. I also feel lighter, thinner and trimmer. Okay, I maybe hallucinating again.
I have intentionally 'blanco-ed' my face, to save you the agony of 'pain'.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Not a Resolution

Thursday, December 24, 2009
We Were The Reason
I have just returned from Christmas Eve Dinner with the family. This year was a little out of normalcy. Almost every year, we would be feasting on a Christmas turkey and the other accompaniments. We normally would gather as a FAMILY at home and the children would be opening their presents at the stroke of midnight. This year, we broke TRADITION. We decided that Christmas is family time even if we had rib eye, pork belly, lamb, chicken with a lot of Kimchi. We decided to go Korean this time.
The kids are now all downstairs, with much EXCITEMENT as I am blogging this. Charmaine was especially excited clicking away during dinner. She wanted pictures with everyone at dinner. Looking at her and Eugene now, I realised how fast they have grown and matured. They are no longer the little babies I once knew. I remember the time fifteen years ago when Eugene was born. I was in the delivery room with my wife, watching the BIRTH of a life.
CHRISTMAS is the same. It is a reason for celebration, for a baby born 2000 years ago in a manger. In a town called Bethlehem (it still exist today, near Jerusalem, at the West Bank), the baby was named Jesus. The Lord JESUS CHRIST is the real reason why we celebrate Christmas. I have come to know him as my SAVIOUR and HE is my reason for living.
During this celebration, I have always loved the carols sung, the glowing lights on the Christmas tree and all the other pretty decorations. I can hear Eugene playing 'Felix Navidad' on the piano now and I want to go join in the sing along. We would be going to church for the Christmas service tomorrow. In breaking tradition again, I am DEDICATING this song and not a traditional carol for your viewing and enjoyment. I know this song for over 25 years and it holds much meaning to my heart. For indeed, HE is our reason for living.
I take this opportunity in wishing YOU and your loved ones a very "BLESSED CHRISTMAS". Have a wonderful time of celebration and may you be blessed with much PEACE, LOVE AND JOY.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Who is Santa Claus?

Sunday, December 6, 2009
80s Nostalgia

Saturday, November 28, 2009
Don't Be So Emo-Lah!
I have just returned from dinner at the newly opened, Happy Days Diner located in USJ, Taipan. The entrance at the restaurant is impressive with a RM 70K classic car hanging in mid-air giving it an aura of the old Fonzie days. Food served here is typically American with sections of entrees, pastas, burgers etc. Portioning of food is NOT fantastic as price clearly does not commensurate value. Chips as an accompaniment is plentiful, to enhance the space of the over sized serving plates. The service was kind of IRRITATING as the staff was eagerly trying hard to impress. Every twenty seconds or so, I was constantly being harassed with, "Sir, can I take your orders?" I was not even given a chance to look at the offerings and had to practically tell them, to LEAVE ME ALONE to call them when I was ready.

When tipping is 'mandatory', it certainly does not mean a right to bad service? How about services that do not require tipping? My twitter account www.twitter.com/9w2wil was 'spammed' by twits of Nuffnang's Timothy Tiah yesterday. He purchased a ticket on Firefly for Penang to depart at 11.40am. In today's Star, Firefly apologised 'nationwide' for their delay yesterday attributing it to one of their aircraft's being temporarily out of service. And because of that, it caused a domino effect on all scheduled flights, resulting in multiple delays. The flight to Penang finally departed at 7.40pm. After eight hours, for crying out loud! If Timothy had driven, he would have arrived Penang, made a turn-around and could also be back in Kuala Lumpur in that time. Operating a BUDGET airline like Firefly, does that mean a right to 'COMPROMISED' service because as the maxim goes, 'You pay peanuts, you get monkeys'?

Gone are those days when you would see individuals saying grace before their meals. I still do till today. I still thank 'My Father' for providing food on the table for me and asking for HIS blessings for the nourishment of my body. But these days, there is another NEW 'religion' that has emerged. A 'religion' where they actually SWEEP their cameras out and start snapping pictures of their food before partaking them. This 'religion' is called the 'VIRAL EFFECTS' of the social media. I seriously took pity on Firefly yesterday. The worst thing that can happen to any bad service providers these days, is when a dissatisfied customer takes a mobile phone and 'social media out' the news fast about their experience. Once that is out, service providers have no choice but to learn their lessons hard. It takes a long while to rebuild a customer's EMOTIONAL BONDING all over again. With Timothy's, #fu*kfirefly on Twitter yesterday, I could only think that Firefly has further reinforced the branding of Air Asia.
'DON'T PLAY-PLAY' with the power of the Social Media. And to the 'TEH TARIK GROUP'; please get real and understand, in order to be effective and competitive globally, we must be able to stand tall and accept all sorts of criticisms, be they good or bad. Our infamous, NAMEWEE is at it again. The previous time, I could not agree with his 'Negarakuku' controversy as I am a proud Malaysian. However this time, I am in full agreement with his latest CURSINGS on TNB. Why should we be sympathetic with bad service providers? This is a REAL world. Consumers expects nothing less than the best for what we pay for. So, Mr. Exco Member, 'Rise Yet Steam', don't overreact by saying that the 'Teh Tarik Group' would examine NameWee's doing of poking fun at TNB. 'PUNISHING' him would not change things when it came to TNB's bad services.