Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Charisma or Dilemma?

Dear Friends,

I don't normally blog on politics. After all the 'ruckus' and comedy that has been going around recently, I thought I would just jab the clowns a little.

This is after all BOLEHLAND politics. It is funny how we are driving the "ONE MALAYSIA" concept with a "TWO PERAK" 'legality' of government. Today, was the second assembly sitting of the Perak Legislative Assembly. Surely parliamentary behaviour must be expected of leaders elected into public office. But, not today. It was a day of, "You don't play-play with me ar !", "Your face like 'Lanun Pirate'-lah, better go die", "Give me back my speaker's robe, don't tear it - lah". The best of it all was, "Get out - Get out, You don't get out I squeeze your BALLS!" For crying out loud, an assemblyman had his private part fondled and squeezed in the august house today.

All is not well in current politics. In the, "M ust C hange A ll", one would never expect the reconciliation of Ah Keat and Ah Lek. For their survival, Ah Lai from HERO is now ZERO. A real CHANGE in the cards. In the, "P lease K autow R epeatedly"; charismatic Zai Zaid is suffering 'exhaustion' and has gone on leave; better still in Sabah, Jeff KittyCat has quit citing lost of confidence. Who lost confidence in who - lah? I guess he will be 'KATAK-ING' again looking for a bigger pond. The Talibanias didn't want to be left out either. Out of boredom, they have joined in the game of "Let's call an EGM" like their 'friends' in "M ust C hange A ll" to wallop fellow Talibanias who are pro - "U M ust N ot O bject".

So, HOW-LAH? Is our political situation reflecting a "Charisma or Dilemma ?"



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